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Saturday 30 June 2012

What is Calorie Counting?

Understanding calorie counting will help you on your quest for weight loss. 

What Is Calorie Counting
WOW! It is easier to lose weight when you understand the necessity for calorie counting.
A calorie is a unit of energy which is released from the food you eat in order to power your body.
Generally speaking, when you eat more calories than you burn, you will put on weight. Moreoer, when you eat around the same as you burn, you should maintain your weight. However, for weight loss it is necessary to eat less and burn more.

Calorie Counting for Weight Loss

First, you must determine your daily calorie needs.
Your basic bodily functions require energy. For example: digestion, circulation, respiration, temperature regulation, cell construction and every other metabolic process in your body. This daily calorie requirement is called Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle will give you the formula for your BMR. Your BMR does not include physical activity.
If your BMR is around 2200 calories and you participate in moderate exercise, then your daily calorie needs would be around 3000 calories. If you are wanting to lose weight, you will need to reduce your calorie intake by 15% - 20%. Therefore, your caloric intake would be around 2400 calories.
Counting Calories For Weight Loss
Second, set out your calorie intake for the day.
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle suggests that you eat at reqular intervals during the day.
For example, you may follow this meal schedule.
  • #1 Meal - 600 Calories
  • Snack - 200 Calories
  • #2 Meal - 600 Calories
  • Snack - 200 Calories
  • #3 Meal - 600 Calories
  • Snack - 200 Calories
The total calorie intake for the day would be 2400 calories.
Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle will help you formulate your daily calorie needs. Calorie Counting for weight loss is necessary for getting into shape and healthy living.
Of course, there is much more to learn about calorie counting for weight loss. Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle will give you all the information you need to loss weight by choosing the right foods to eat and making exercise a part of your day.
Author: Tom Venuto
Fat Loss Coach

Saturday 23 June 2012

Less-invasive weight loss surgery safer.

(Reuters) / 23 June 2012

Minimally invasive weight loss surgery is safer than open surgery, with patients suffering fewer complications during those procedures, according to a US study of more than 150,000 people who underwent gastric bypass surgery.
Patients left the hospital sooner, and with a slightly smaller medical bill, after undergoing so-called laparoscopic gastric bypass procedures, in which only a few small cuts in the stomach are made, said researchers at Stanford University in California.
During gastric bypass, the surgeon creates a pouch out of the top portion of the stomach, then connects it to the small intestine so fewer calories are absorbed during digestion, with one large cut being made. Laparoscopic surgery involves a small camera being inserted, and several small cuts.
“The consensus is now overwhelming to suggest a laparoscopic approach first,” said John Morton, who led the research, noting that close to 90 per cent of gastric bypass surgery patients now have it done laparoscopically.
“Pretty much across the board (it has) much better outcomes for patients.”
Morton and his colleagues analysed data on weight loss procedures done at about 1,000 US hospitals each year between 2005 and 2007, including 41,000 open gastric bypass surgeries and 115,000 laparoscopic surgeries.
Looking at safety records, the researchers found about 19 per cent of patients undergoing open surgery had at least one complication, such as developing pneumonia or needing a blood transfusion. Just over 12 per cent of those who had less-invasive surgery developed complications.
One in 500 obese patients in the open surgery group died during or shortly after the procedure, compared with one in 1,000 in the laparoscopic group, according to findings published in the Archives of Surgery.
Open surgery patients also had longer hospital stays, 3.5 days versus 2.4 days, on average.
According to data from the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, about 220,000 people in the United States had weight loss surgery, including gastric bypass, in 2009.
“From the surgeon’s perspective, the ability to see (during) the surgery is enhanced doing it laparoscopically,” said Anita Courcoulas, a professor and bariatric surgeon from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, who wasn’t involved in the study.
“From the patient’s perspective, there’s much less pain, so they can walk and move and return to normal activities sooner.”

Reuters - 23rd June 2012

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Blueberries and Belly Fat

Saturday 9 June 2012

Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight needs to be something that is permanent. Yo-yo dieting can lead to health problems and poor self image. As difficult as it can

Megan Gleeson
Losing weight needs to be something that is permanent. Yo-yo dieting can lead to health problems and poor self image. As difficult as it can be, no one wants to go through all the work to take off pounds and then have them come right back on again in three months. Finding sensible and proven changes to implement into your lifestyle is the best way to take off pound and keep them off.
You do not need to starve yourself to lose weight quickly. Quick weight loss should be taken in stride and needs to be a part of your daily routine. Quick weight loss tips should be incorporated into your lifestyle in a way that will stay with you the rest of your life. Jumping around from diet to diet and weight loss program to weight loss program can be detrimental to your health.
One of the easiest quick weight loss tips to include in your daily routine is water. Drinking more water is not only healthy it will help stimulate your body to lose more weight. Drinking more water is not a difficult thing to incorporate. Many women carry a large bag and are able to carry a water bottle around with them during the day, making this one of the quick weight loss tips a daily habit.
A quick weight loss tip if you have a hard time drinking water is to carry single drink mix packets to add to your water. There are many sugar free calorie free varieties that are available and they can easily replace a soda or a cup of coffee in your daily routine. Quick weight loss tips like this need to become habit.
These water quick weight loss tips are also helpful in the weight loss process because they can help you stay full and not eat so much. Drinking water can also help your body to burn off stored fat, and the kidneys are able to flush out excess fat with the added water in your diet. You can burn an additional 62 calories a day just by drinking icy cold water.
Another quick weight loss tip that can be implemented into your daily routine and become a part of your lifestyle is a constant eating habit. This sounds counterproductive, but it's not it's a great way to quick weight loss. If you eat five small healthy meals a day you will stay full longer and avoid caving into cravings and overeating due to hunger.
Megan Gleeson is a successful author. Visit http://latest-beauty-tips.com/ to read more articles from Megan Gleeson.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Japan 'diet glasses' fool wearers into eating less.

Goggles that trick the wearer into thinking the plain snack in their hand is a chocolate cookie, or make biscuits appear larger have been unveiled in Japan, offering hope to weak-willed dieters everywhere.
Researchers at the University of Tokyo have developed devices that use computer wizardry and augmented reality to fool the senses and make users feel more satisfied with smaller -- or less appealing -- treats.
On one device goggle-mounted cameras send images to a computer, which magnifies the apparent size of the cookie in the image it displays to the wearer while keeping his hand the same size, making the snack appear larger than it actually is.
In experiments, volunteers consumed nearly 10 percent less when the biscuits they were eating appeared 50 percent bigger.
They ate 15 percent more when cookies were manipulated to look two-thirds of their real size.
Professor Michitaka Hirose at the university's graduate school of information science and technology said he was interested in how computers can be used to trick the human mind.
"How to fool various senses or how to build on them using computers is very important in the study of virtual reality," he told AFP.
Hirose said standard virtual reality equipment that attempts to cater to complex senses like touch often results in bulky equipment.
But he said using one or more senses to fool the others was a way around this problem.
"Reality is in your mind," he said.
In another project, Hirose's team developed a "meta cookie", where the headgear uses scent bottles and visual trickery to fool the wearer into thinking the snack they are eating is anything but a plain biscuit.
Users can set the device to their favourite taste so they think they are eating a chocolate or strawberry-flavoured cookie.
Hirose says experiments so far have shown 80 percent of subjects are fooled.
The team has no plans as yet to commercialise their invention, but would like to investigate whether people wanting to lose weight can use the device.