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Sunday 26 August 2012

Quick Tips for Permanent Weightloss

Many think that the battle to lose weight is always an up-hill struggle, but in reality it doesn’t have to be. There are several small yet effective changes you can make in your diet and daily activities that are very easy to incorporate into your lifestyle. By just using a few of the following tips, you can be well on your way to taking it off ad keeping it off.

The first step is to target your eating habits. Here are a few things you can do to jump-start your permanent weight loss.

* Eat 6 smaller meals a day as opposed to 3 larger meals. This keeps your metabolism up and your belly full

* Substitute mayonnaise and mayonnaise-based dressings with condiments like mustard or extra virgin olive oil. EVOO tastes great in tuna fish and has a fraction of the saturated fat.

* Eliminate fried foods/fast food from your diet or eat very sparingly

* Keep junk food out of the house. Substitute fresh fruit and vegetables. If you don’t keep junk in the house, you’re less likely to cheat.

* Pay attention to portion sizes. Dividing your plate into 4 visual quarters and only eating 3 of those quarters is a good way to start. Another helpful tool is an all-natural supplement called Hoodia Gordonii. It’s very easy to find Hoodia in patches and pill form. The next step is to start incorporating an exercise routine you’ll stick with on a regular basis. It only takes 3 weeks (21 days) to form a habit, so if you can make the commitment to at least 3 weeks, it’s all down hill from there! Losing weight and exercise don’t have to be boring.

* If you can’t do one 30-minute sitting of cardio a day, try doing three 10 minute sessions instead (a short walk, or going up and down stairs would work)

* Get the whole family involved and take family walks after dinner. You’ll be spending quality time with the ones you love and getting the health benefits of walking all at the same time.

* Doing simple chores around the home also burn calories. Washing your car, pulling weeds, and even vacuuming all count as calorie-burning activities

* Participate in physical activities with friends or children. Kicking a ball around, riding a bike, or roller-blading are all good examples. This will also give you a chance to get outside and enjoy fresh air. Some planning also needs to be done in order for the weight to stay off. There are also some all-natural products you can use to help expedite your weight loss.

* Plan meals for the week in advance. This prevents you from making impulse buys or heading to the drive through, which 9 times out of ten is not good for you

* Hoodia Gordonii is an all-natural weight loss supplement made from a cactus plant that has been shown to help people watch their portion sizes. You should plan on taking this twice a day.

* Drinking green tea can also help. This contains EGCG, an antioxidant which has been proven to increase metabolism. Who knew it could be so easy!

* Plan to REWARD yourself with non-food items. Buying some new clothes or planning an outing with friends are just a couple of ways you can do this.
You can see from the above tips that permanent weight loss is not out of reach. By making and sticking with these small changes for at least 3 weeks, you will start to shed pounds and feel sexier in no time. Whether it’s cutting out fried foods, starting to take daily walks, or starting an all-natural supplement like Hoodia Gordonii to decrease cravings, taking the first steps to losing your excess weight will be a cinch, and it won’t be long before you start to reveal a healthier, sexier, happier new you.
About The Author
Tracy Cohen has been studying health and fitness trends for over 7 years and is a huge advocate of all-natural products and healing techniques. She is dedicated to helping people win the fight against obesity.
Source: www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_6647.shtml

Thursday 16 August 2012

The Stone Age Diet Solution

The dietary habits adopted by developed countries over the last centuries are largely responsible for many of the chronic diseases that are now commonplace in Western society.

Diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cancer of the colon are virtually unheard of among the few hunter-gatherer populations still remaining in the world.

The stone age diet is based on the foods that our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have eaten before they became farmers.

Even over the last fifty years, our food has drastically changed. Where once our food was made up of simple, natural foods with minimal added ingredients, our food now contains a multitude of different ingredients.

Often it can be hard to even find modern-day food that does not contain some form of milk or wheat, which are common triggers in food allergies, and this leads to people eating the same ingredients every day and often at every single meal.

The stone age diet is nutritionally balanced and a very low allergen diet ideal for people who suffer from food allergies or food related ailments.

The foods you can eat on the stone age diet should be from natural sources and include items such as fruit (except citrus), fresh fruit juices (except citrus), all game and fish, free-range eggs, all vegetables, fresh vegetable juices, fresh nuts (except peanuts), herb teas, natural seasonings (salt, black pepper, herbs) and bottled or filtered water.

The foods you must avoid on the stone age diet are milk in all forms, milk products, cereals and their related products, any form of sugar, domesticated animal meat (meat from pigs, cows, sheep etc.), chicken, eggs (unless free-range), citrus fruit, alcohol, coffee, tea and all manufactured foods such as canned, packaged, bottled foods and ready-meals, processed meat or fish, chocolate and cocoa products, spices and tap water.

The above list may seem restrictive but you will find your health and well-being dramatically improves just be removing the foods to avoid from your diet.

There are also some exceptions which you are allowed to eat on the stone age diet which do fit in with our modern lives and dietary practices. Live low-fat yoghurt in moderation is a good addition to the diet and some grains which are well tolerated, even by those with a food allergy, are rice and millet.

If alcohol needs to be consumed (perhaps you're at a wedding or celebration) then a small amount of dry white wine or real ale can be taken.

The stone age diet is based on natural, nutritionally rich foods and following the dietary habits it provides will ensure you reap the benefits and achieve a strong, fit and healthy body.
Author Bio
For further advice on natural foods and diets, visit Food Advice and Support
For food allergy treatment, advice and common trigger foods visit the Help for Food Allergy website (www.helpfoodallergy.com).
Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content

Saturday 11 August 2012

Olympics and Fitness Survival

Are you really fit and at peak performance? Are you able to walk or run without exhaustion? Can you squat or lift without pain in your hips and shoulders? This summer the television and internet have brought us unforgettable images of the finest athletes in the world to ever compete. The Olympics demonstrate fitness survival and peak performance.
As we watch swimmers, gymnasts, rowers, and track athletes and dozens of other events, we witness the different components of overall fitness. Technique, agility, and balance are evident in gymnastics. Muscular strength is seen in rowing and volleyball. Excellent lung capacity is critical in swimming, cycling, and track. The ability to adjust to pain and mental agitation is seen in wrestling and weight lifting. At stake for Olympic competition are the components of power, strength, agility and coordination, peak lung capacity and the ability to adjust to pain.
To put it into Olympic perspective, Michael Phelps, the greatest Olympian of all time, won his 22nd and final Olympic medal, 18 of them gold recently. He was presented with a silver trophy which declared him to be, "The Greatest Olympic Athlete of All Time." How did he achieve that decoration? In the pool he demonstrated rigorous kicks and strength, not to mention great lung capacity. Michael Phelps symbolizes the extreme dedication to tedious practice day in and day out.
In the arena of technique, artistry, coordination and balance, the main event is gymnastics. Gabby Douglas, the sixteen year old African-American girl, to win the gold all-around, had a rigorous schedule of practice away from her home. Who could not marvel at the spectacular performance and precision of this Olympian prodigy on the bars, beam and vault?
The Russians are favorites of the men's wrestling to win medals at the Olympics. These Olympians are strong and agile. To perform well, there must be a propensity to endure pain and mental agitation. Wrestling is about setting peak performance and strategizing to win a competition.
These are only a few examples of high performance and fitness demonstrated at a world level. For the average person who does not train 5 to 6 hours a day six days a week for years, there are lessons to be learned from these world-class Olympians.
1. Physical fitness is about having the discipline to exercise regularly. For example, walking or cycling need to be done consistently over time to increase lung capacity and endurance.
2. Physical fitness is a mindset that does not acquiesce to pain or weakness. Fitness begins in the mind with visualized goals and materializes in the body.
3. Physical fitness is a healthy lifestyle about eating right, good posture and body mechanics and a positive attitude.
4. Physical fitness extends past the individual to the family and community. Healthy bodies build healthy families which in turn build healthy communities.
The 2012 Olympics demonstrate peak performance on many levels. They also demonstrate to us the absolute need for fitness survival. The foundation for any society begins with the health and fitness of its citizens.
Anna Marie Hernandez is a physical therapist and teacher. She has written articles and books on integrative health, fitness and children's educational books. For more information visit: http://www.healthforsurvival.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Marie_Hernandez

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7215970

Sunday 5 August 2012

Coconut Oil Diets

Have you heard about coconut oil diets yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, g...

Have you heard about coconut oil diets yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, getting more energy, and getting healthier.

 Coconut oil is safe to use, and does not turn to fat in your body. It raises the metabolism, so you burn more fat and have more energy. It does not increase your cholesterol, but actually helps lower it. Coconut oil is wonderful diet addition for just about everyone.

 Alexis says, “Let me tell you how it has been working for me. The first thing I noticed is that I had a lot more energy. Then I started noticing that the regular exercises I had been doing suddenly started working. The fat was beginning to turn to muscle. I didn't lose weight the first week or two, but I am losing weight now! And I now have enough energy to start increasing my exercise workout times, when before it was a struggle to exercise at all. I love this diet!”
 "What Coconut Oil DOES NOT Do:

  * Does not increase blood cholesterol level.
  * Does not promote platelet stickiness or blood clot formation.
  * Does not contribute to atherosclerosis or heart disease.
  * Does not contribute to weight problems."

  What Coconut Oil DOES Do:

  * Reduces risk of atherosclerosis and related illnesses.
  * Reduces risk of cancer and other degenerative conditions.
  * Helps prevent bacterial, viral, and fungal (including yeast) infections.
  * Supports immune system function.
  * Helps control diabetes.
  * Provides an immediate source of energy.
  * Supports healthy metabolic function.
  * Improves digestion and nutrient absorption.
  * Supplies important nutrients necessary for good health.
  * Supplies fewer calories than other fats.
  * Promotes weight loss.
  * Helps prevent osteoporosis.
  * Has a mild delicate flavor.
  * Is highly resistant to spoilage (long shelf life).
  * Is heat resistant (the healthiest oil for cooking).
  * Helps keep skin soft and smooth.
  * Helps prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin.
  * Helps protect against skin cancer and other blemishes.
  * Functions as a protective antioxidant."

 From Bruce Fife's Book, "The Coconut Oil Miracle".

 Author: Dianne Ronnow
 If you would like more information on cocoonut oil dieting, check out our site at: Coconut-Oil-Diet.com.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Change How You Think About Losing Weight Today

Have you ever considered losing weight to make you feel better and more energetic?
When you start the process of losing weight you'll want to weigh yourself at least once a week and take measurements. Doing these things can make us even more excited and motivated to lose those unwanted pounds. This is the best way to see if all the hard work is paying off or not.

Using weights is a good way to get your muscle tone going. This is also a good way to lose weight. You will be losing weight and gaining muscle tone by putting your body in shape and getting your muscles in better shape. You will notice the difference after the first few uses of the weights. Do not start out with ones that are too heavy. Start low and then build your way up to the heavier weights.

To lose weight you have to do more than just diet, you need to exercise. It is important to exercise because you have to make sure that you are keeping your body in tone and in shape for losing the weight. Exercise can be anything that keeps your body moving. You have to keep your body in motion in order to lose weight and to keep it off. You can stay fit with any form of exercise that you feel comfortable with and that makes you feel good about what you are doing. This is the most effective way of staying healthy and staying satisfied with your weight loss program.

If you are trying to lose weight, limit the intake of alcohol. You will gain weight if you drink accessibly. This is even more likely if you are drinking the regular beer instead of the light or the carb free beer. This is a choice that is up to you and you alone. You will have to decide what is more important losing weight or having a good time every weekend. Once you slow down on the intake of alcohol, you will notice a change in your body mass.

Getting lots of rest is another important factor in losing weight. You will want to make sure that you get a good nights sleep each night. This will put you fresh, alert and energetic for the next day. You will want to do more and get more exercise when you are feeling more awake.

Another important step in losing weight and feeling great is to be sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to flush out the fat and toxins that we have in our bodies.

The challenges of losing weight do not have to get us down. If we stay positive and keep our mind focused on what we have to do, we will find that getting in shape and losing weight does not have to be so hard. Getting our bodies in shape and looking great is the best incentive that anyone can have to drop those unwanted pounds.

By far I think that getting on herbal diets is a terrific way to lose weight. They do work for most people. Herbal diets are 100% safe, natural and ephedra free. We find that many people have gotten off their prescription medicine by being on an herbal diet. You'll want to be sure to check with your doctor first to make sure that this is the right weight loss program for you.

But don't wait. Get started right now to start feeling the difference.
Author: DeniseWalston         Source: Free Articles