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Saturday 20 October 2012

Body Wraps: A Body Slimming And Detoxifying Shortcut

Body slimming is something that most people wish it was an easier and faster process. With the kind of lifestyle that people lead today, slimming is an essential part of staying fit. There are many ways to get rid of the accumulated fats on the body the most common being exercise and dieting. Other faster yet dangerous techniques that people eventually resort to are the use of chemicals such as botox and cosmetic surgeries. But you do not need to go through this if you want to lose a few inches within a few days, there is a better, faster, safer and healthier solution - body wraps.
What are body wraps?
Body wraps are essentially a weight loss solution for those who want instant results. This means that if you have an important function coming up in a few days, have an interview to attend or have a date this weekend and want to look your best, you can do away with as much as 20 inches on your arm, face, thighs or any other part of the body using body wraps. These wraps are made of natural ingredients applied on the skin and pressed using a towel or bandage wrapper. When the ingredients are applied on the skin, they penetrate into the dermis and bring the toxins in the skin out through the pores.
How does it work
Once the toxins are removed from the skin, empty cell pockets will be left behind. Pressure applied by the bandage or towel wrap will force the cells to collapse, therefore tightening the skin. The result is that the area where the wrap is applied will slim down and detoxify at the same time. There are a ton of other benefits the body wrap has on the skin depending on the ingredients of the substance applied on the skin including getting rid of stretch marks, improving blood circulation, restoring skin elasticity and rendering the skin smoother and adding a glow that will last for some time.
Is it convenient?
Body wraps are a convenient solution to detoxifying the body and rejuvenating the skin, bit it is not a lasting solution because the cells will get filled up with toxins within a few weeks again - thereby taking you back to where you were before the weight loss. It is effective though and if you can use body wraps regularly, you will have a glowing and healthier skin all the time.
Are you looking to lose weight fast and safely? Is everything else not working for you? Body Wraps are a modern solution. They have been proven to work - find more information on how you can lose weight at home by sparing only 37 minutes of your time at http://www.WrapYourselfSlim.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anthony_K._Rodge

Wednesday 10 October 2012

Do Slimming Pills Actually Ever Work?

Anyone who has ever struggled with weight loss wonders whether slimming pills are the ideal solution to shedding those stubborn pounds for good. Dozens of diet pill commercials promise incredible results in a short amount of time, so it's hard not to pay attention to their claims if you haven't been able to lose weight successfully. On the other hand, it's hard to believe that so many people would still be unhappy with their bodies if diet supplements truly worked. When it comes to diet pills, navigating truth and fiction can be confusing. It's important to learn as much as possible about the diet products that are currently available on the market and how they work before you decide whether weight loss pills are right for you.
Types of Weight Loss Supplements
Slimming pills come in a wide variety of brands and prices, so it's nearly impossible to say whether they are effective as a whole. It all depends on your body chemistry and the type of diet pill you are taking. Before you decide if you should try diet pills, you need to understand the different options that are available at stores and pharmacies. Most diet pills that are advertised on television tend to be over-the-counter and a smaller percentage are prescription medications. Although all-natural weight loss supplements are rarely advertised on TV, they can be found in most vitamin shops and health food stores.
Even within these three main categories, there are different types of supplements, and they all contain different ingredients. Some are meant to speed up your metabolism while others work as appetite suppressants and another sub-category includes pills that block fats and carbohydrates from being absorbed. While over-the-counter diet pills and natural supplements are available to all adults, prescription weight loss drugs are usually only prescribed to people who are significantly overweight. They contain strong ingredients that can affect the brain and other organs, so they are not appropriate for everyone.
Are Weight Loss Pills Effective?
Some people swear that the diet pills they are taking are effective and safe while others do not recommend taking any supplements at all. Because people's bodies are so different, it's impossible to say that one supplement works better for all dieters than other slimming pills or no supplements at all. Research does show that some supplements, many of which are all-natural products, do help with weight loss. However, no diet pill is the ultimate solution to losing weight and keeping it off. The only way to get to a healthy weight and stay there is to follow a healthy diet and exercise. If you decide to try a weight loss supplement, it should be used in conjunction with eating well and working out.
Be an educated consumer, and do your research before buying any supplements that you think might help you lose weight. Don't be tempted by products that promise quick results but contain questionable ingredients. There are diet supplements that are perfectly safe; but there are also products that can be very harmful to your body. If you plan to take a weight loss pill that contains chemicals or artificial ingredients, it's best to contact your doctor for advice. Even when taking all-natural weight loss supplements, pay attention to your body and be careful. It might take a while to find what works for you, so don't get discouraged and continue working out and eating healthy

Author: Rachel Klaus
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7127024

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Lose Weight by Eating More -- Food that is Virtually Impossible to Store as Body Fat

Certain foods are extremely difficult for the human body to convert into body fat - not impossible but damned near impossible. By consuming calories derived from these foods, the anabolic margin of error is extended dramatically, which means it will be easier to lose fat and gain muscle, if you choose.

Lean protein, protein devoid of saturated fat, has been the staple, the bedrock nutrient of elite athletes for 50 years. Why? You can eat a mountain of lean protein and not get fat - assuming you train with intensity sufficient enough to trigger muscle growth. Lean protein is difficult for the body to break down and digest. As a direct result of this digestive difficulty, the body kicks the metabolic thermostat upward to break protein down into subcomponent amino acids.

The human body wants to preserve stored body fat as a last line of defense against starvation. If overworked and under-fed, the body will preferentially eat muscle tissue to save precious body fat.

Obese people that go on crash diets, precipitously slashing calories, might lose 100-pounds of body weight, yet still appear fat. Despite losing from say 350-pounds to 250-pounds, they still appear fat because they still are fat. The body has cannibalized muscle tissue and saved the fat. Though they might weigh 100-pounds less, they still possess 25-40% body fat percentile.

Lean protein is the bedrock nutrient in the physical renovation process because it supplies muscle tissue battered by a high intensity weight workout with the amino acids needed to heal, recover and construct new muscle tissue. Lean protein is a bedrock nutrient in the physical renovation process because it causes the basal metabolic rate (BMR) to elevate; the metabolic thermostat, the rate at which our body consumes calories, increases when digesting protein. Lean protein is a bedrock nutrient in the physical renovation process because it is damned near impossible for the body to convert it into body fat.

The other bedrock nutrient in the physical transformation process is fibrous carbohydrates: carrots, broccoli, green beans, bell peppers, spinach, cauliflower, onions, asparagus, cabbage, salad greens, Brussels sprouts and the like. Fibrous carbohydrates, like lean protein, are nearly impossible for the body to convert into body fat. Fibrous carbohydrates require almost as many calories to digest as they contain. A green bean or carrot might contain 10-calories yet is so dense and difficult to break down that the body has to expend nearly as many calories to break down that bean or carrot as the vegetable contains.

Fibrous carbohydrates have a wonderful "Roto-Rooter" effect on the internal plumbing: as they work their way though the digestive passageways they scrape mucus and gunk off intestinal walls and help keep sludge buildup to a minimum. For this reason fibrous carbohydrates are the perfect compliment to a lean protein diet. Too much protein can cause bile buildup: fibre is the Yin to protein's Yang. The two nutrients should be eaten together.

Both protein and fibre have a beneficial dampening effect on insulin secretions. It is no accident that professional bodybuilders, the world's best dieters, capable of reducing body fat percentiles to 5% while maintaining incredible muscle mass, construct their eating regimen around protein and fiber.

The best way to eat is to eat often. If you eat 3,000 calories a day the best way is in five 600-calorie feeding or six 500-calorie feedings instead of a breakfast containing 400-calories, a lunch of 1000-calories and a late dinner of 1,600-calories. Avoid calories easily converted into body fat.

Eat multiple small meals in the 400-600 calorie range comprised exclusively of foods near impossible for the body to convert into body fat. Plus, these foods cause the metabolism, the BMR, the body thermostat to elevate in order to digest them. Optimally you should eat every three hours: in about the time the nutrients from the previous meal have dwindled, been expended and exhausted, in about the time the elevated metabolism is 'settling back down to normal,' eat another small protein/fibre meal. This re-establishes anabolism, kicks the metabolism upward once again and gives the body more practice at assimilating and distributing quality nutrients.

They say practice makes perfect and by eating small, power-packed, tough to digest meals every three hours, the metabolism is kept elevated, anabolism is established and maintained and the individual never feels hungry. A person who is not hungry is far less inclined to binge on sweets and treats, junk and trash then the crash diet/calorie cutters who always feel hungry, deprived, listless and lacking energy.

The small meal/protein/fibre approach has been used successfully by elite athletes for decades and is not some untried dietary abstraction - rather it is the proven method of choice, one that has withstood the test of time, one that has been used for decades and been proven effective time after time.

If a person is able to establish a multiple meal schedule comprised primarily of lean protein and fibre eaten every three hours, then adds to this eating schedule some serious weight training and a cardiovascular regimen, physical transformation is a biological certainty.
Author Bio
Coming soon! "The Obesity Solution" is designed to help overweight men and women physically transform themselves into healthier, thinner, more fit individuals. Designed by Marty Gallagher, a world champion coach and former www.washingtonpost.com fitness columnist, he will take you by the hand to help you achieve permanent fat loss.
By: Marty Gallagher

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com - Free Website Content