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Wednesday, 28 November 2012

4 Fat-Burning Foods To Eat For Fast Weight Loss

Foods that you should eat to burn fat fast are foods that are thermogenic in nature. By 'thermogenic', I mean foods that require the body to spend a lot of energy to digest them. Fat- burning foods do not necessarily mean those foods have to be 'hot' and spicy like peppers and other assorted spices etc. Not at all!
There are 4 fat-burning foods to eat to get rid of excess weight. They include;

1. Protein
The kinds of foods to eat for fast weight loss are these thermogenic foods and a very good example is protein. Protein is said to be the most thermogenic class of food. A lot of calories are burnt off while trying to digest them. The body's metabolic rate is increased and hence weight loss is achieved. Very good sources of protein are; turkey, chicken breast and other lean meats. Incorporate these in your diet for quick weight loss and sound health.

2. Green tea
You may or may not have heard about Green Tea. If you are a weight loss enthusiast, you probably would have come across it. Green tea works in such a way that it increases your body's metabolism significantly but unlike coffee and other caffeinated drinks, it does not increase your heart rate. This is very effective for quick weight loss. Green tea contains epigallo-catechin gallate (EGCG) and this is responsible to the increased metabolism. For anyone who wishes to lose weight fast, Green tea should be taken in place of other kinds of tea.

3. Fish
Though this is an amazing source of protein, it also contains what is known as Omega 3 fatty acids, which helps boost metabolism. Fish like salmon and tuna and most other fish, contain Omega 3 fatty acids. These Omega 3 fatty acids help to control the level of a hormone called 'leptin' in the body and this helps in reducing excess weight quickly.

4. Whole grain cereal and oatmeal
Intake of fibre and complex carbs help to lower insulin levels as these foods are digested slowly in the stomach. High levels of insulin encourage the body to store fat so it is important that you desist from eating sugary foods that increase insulin levels and instead make up your diet with whole grain cereal, nuts, fibre and oatmeal for effective weight reduction.

You can see that these are foods to eat for fast weight loss which should be incorporated in your daily diet. Stick to a meal plan today and make smart food choices so that you can quickly shed that excess fat.

Author: David Ugorji
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Ugorji

Knowing Whether You Are a Good Fit for a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck might be a good option for you. Most people do not realize how much skin they have until they lose a good amount of weight without giving it time to tighten up. When this happens so quickly, they are left with loose skin that actually has weight of its own. This type of plastic surgery is one way to get rid of this.
If you are in good physical shape but cannot seem to lose the extra inches in your belly or tighten up the skin that hangs there, you might be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. Most people probably think that the ones who need it are those who are overweight. It is actually only a good option for those who are at a good weight.
If someone still is overweight when they get a tummy tuck, it will defeat the purpose of getting rid of the loose skin because there will still be more after weight is possibly lost later. It is a surgery after all, so it is also important that someone be a healthy weight because some problems such as diabetes that is common with some who are overweight can cause problems for the procedure. With this in mind, be sure to give your plastic surgeon access to your medical records before your surgery. Most likely he or she will not even perform a surgery without access to these.
Part of the procedure can be liposuction to remove excess fat, so do not think that you have to have no fat to have the surgery. That would not make sense because everyone has some fat in their belly. During a tummy tuck, some fat will be removed by liposuction, muscles will be tightened up in the belly, loose skin will be removed, and the skin that is left will be tightened. Your navel will also likely need to be repositioned depending on the type procedure you end up having.
Besides being in good physical shape, it is also important that an individual have good skin elasticity so that the skin will stay tight as it should. Older individuals and people who smoke have less skin elasticity.
If you are tired of loose skin from weight loss or from a pregnancy, you may want to consider a tummy tuck. If you are interested, make sure to visit a few different plastic surgeons before deciding on one. Consult with them to see how much they charge for their procedures as well as to see if you believe you would like to work with them. Do not go with any doctor who is pushy and tries to persuade you to have a surgery or surgeries that you do not want. Make sure that he or she is educated and experienced in the area of plastic surgery in which you are interested.

Author: Aloysias Aucoin
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7389996

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Six Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite

Even though you have cellulite, you can still consider yourself lucky (or are you thinking of ways to get rid of cellulite?). After all, there are several do-it-yourself remedies that would not only make you look fresh and feel energized, but also cure the infection as well. It doesn't take too much effort to learn how to get rid of cellulite at home and make yourself look pretty- simply browse over the techniques listed below to learn the different ways to get rid of cellulite:
1# Physical Exercise:
Exercise aids in building up your muscles and makes your body structure look great. There are many types of exercise, but cardiovascular exercise is the one that yields the most benefits. Skipping, running, swimming, and cycling are examples of this type of exercise. Aerobic exercises are also effective and help you get rid of thigh cellulite.
Exercise eliminates excess body waste and fat from your organs. If practiced from an early age, skipping exercises can help you increase your height. You can exercise at home by stretching your legs and climbing stairs. These exercises to get rid of cellulite are not only convenient, but more importantly, come with several benefits.
2# Dieting:
You don't need to deviate from your usual routine. A regular diet can be streamlined to become one of the ways to get rid of cellulite. Take note that there are foodstuffs that you can freely consume, as well as food that you must totally avoid. Remember to abstain for sugar, alcohol, fats, and caffeine.
Instead, you should incorporate fruits, fresh vegetables, and fiber rich food into your diet. Vitamins, minerals, and protein are greatly essential as well. Ingesting these substances helps you defend against constipation, popularly believed to be what causes cellulite.
3# Body Massage:
Before taking a bath in the morning, you should adopt a regular body massage routine. This massage is performed from head to toe in a circular pattern. Whenever you exert force using your fingers, circulation of fluid improves and fat deposits are broken down, passing and draining through the bowels. The regular massage can also be complemented with spices and oils such as cedar, juniper, clover, rosemary, funnel, strawberry, etc.
4# Lotions and Creams:
Most department stores have creams that can be mixed with oils during your massage sessions. Caffeine is one of the main ingredients in such lotions. If you have coffee grounds near your home, you can use these instead. It's easy to prepare a mixture of vegetable oil and grounded coffee powder. Apply this mixture on the infected portion.
5# Skin Brush (Dry):
You can utilize nylon-wire brush with a stretched handle on your skin. Just make sure that your skin remains dry. This brush is able to remove dead skin cells that are washed away by water every time you take a bath. Be sure to brush all the way, from top to bottom. This is definitely one of the good ways to eliminate cellulite.
6# Water/Fluid:
Drinking less water results in increased fat collection. Always remember that your body cells should retain fluids. Less water consumption also increases your body weight. Your body also has difficulty removing toxins. Drinking more water allows you to eat less, resulting in reduced body weight and discouraging the formation of cellulite. Increased body metabolism is possible as long as you know the different ways to get rid of cellulite.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_Geary

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7360085

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Lose Weight Dieting - With A Fat Burning Diet

So you want to lose weight dieting but with so much confusing information out there you need to know which diets will work for you but most importantly which diets are healthy for you as you certainly don't want any unwanted side effects as some people have had with other well known diets. You can achieve all of these goals with a fat burning diet.

A fat burning diet will help you lose weight dieting because it deals with your biggest problem that your body loves to store fat as you get older to protect you. You will probably have found that your metabolism has slowed down and now its time to change that. The first thing you have to do is get rid of all the fat storing foods some of which may surprise you. Some of these include orange juice, all wheat breads (not rice bread), cereals, yogurts and cheeses to name a few. In essence all wheat and dairy products with the exception of eggs.

All the foods I am telling you to give up are mainly new foods that our ancestors didn't eat back in the times of the stone age and they lived a very healthy life relative to there environment. So to lose weight dieting eat what they eat i.e. all meats and fish, fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. You can also eat eggs. You should also replace your meal time drink with water and freshly squeezed lemon. This will do two things firstly it will replace the vitamins and more that your missing from giving up orange juice and secondly it's probably the best detoxifier for your body on this planet.

So you can lose weight dieting just make sure you eat the foods in the right quantity in relation to your metabolism and body weight. So are you going to be decisive and do something about it today or will you still be reading articles like this in six months time?

Author:  Angelina Jewels

Thursday, 8 November 2012

The Generation of Obese Teenagers

There are many articles in the press about obese teenagers and even obese younger children and so my article on this issue is nothing new but the fact that it is something I have in front of me everyday, motivated me as something I just had to write about. So I decided to write a series of articles on this particular issue. I see it everywhere, in the classroom, on the streets, in the shops, the village where I live... just everywhere. It is also an issue that really stood out to me when I came back from Spain some months ago to return to my position as lecturer at the college.

When we returned from Spain, my daughters who are 16 and 17 set about catching up with old friends after a 2 year absence and we all noticed that most of them, bar a few, had put on substantial amounts of weight during those 2 years. Now let me step back here to assure you... I was not being judgmental on these teenagers as people, it was just impossible not to notice the difference that this period of time had made
My job as a Health lecturer and also the fact that I have lived a large proportion of my life so far out of the UK in South Africa allows me the liberty of being able to look at different cultures and their eating habits and way of life. When I returned from South Africa to the UK in 2001 I immediately noticed the deteriorating eating habits of the younger generation and had a hard time convincing my daughters of the benefits of healthy eating. When we moved to Spain in 2010 and returned in 2012 some 2 years later..I think they got what I had been talking about all those years earlier!

The message really hit home when they were able to compare the eating habits and weight issues in the UK with a different culture where the eating habits were more healthy and overweight teenagers were infrequent and not common place.

So lets get the information right from the start. Many people think that being overweight is an appearance issue. Not so, of course no-one wants to look "fat" but being overweight is actually a medical concern because it can seriously affect a person's health. All of us have body fat and a few extra pounds are not going to do us any harm, but when experts use the term overweight they are talking about much more than just a few pounds. There are very few people who are not aware of the health problems like Diabetes and heart disease that come with people who are overweight, but the problems range much further. Being overweight can affect a persons joints, breathing, sleep, mood, and energy levels. All of these problems can impact a person's entire quality of life. More people are overweight today than ever before. We are experiencing an "obesity epidemic." So younger people are now developing health problems that used to affect only adults, like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes.

So how does one become overweight? It's actually not as simple as you think... but then it never is. My next article will discuss the issues that result in weight gain.

Kathy is a Health and Social care lecturer with young adults Her website is focused on Health and lifestyle issues that effect teenagers.  http://www.myhealthbusiness.info 
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kathy_Davison
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7367890

Saturday, 3 November 2012

The 5:2 diet: what is it and how does it work?

You may have heard of this diet already, but do have a read. I think it is worth trying.

With the 5:2 diet, you can eat whatever you like five days a week — so-called feeding days. On the two “fasting days” you eat 500 calories if you are a woman, or 600 calories if you are a man.
It doesn’t matter which days are spent “feeding” and which “fasting”, as long as the fasting days are non-consecutive and you stick to the 5:2 ratio.
On fasting days you can consume your calories in one go, or spread them through the day — there is no medical research into whether filling up at breakfast or snacking throughout the day is more effective for weight loss.
A typical fasting-day breakfast of 300 calories might consist of two scrambled eggs with ham (good sources of protein), plenty of water, green tea or black coffee. For a typical 300-calorie lunch or dinner, try grilled fish or meat with vegetables.
On feeding days you can eat whatever you like. Most dieters, rather than feeling a need to gorge, found that they were happy to consume around 2,000 calories — the recommended daily intake for women (2,600 for men) — and did not crave high-fat foods.
Contrary to popular opinion, fasting can be a healthy way to lose weight. It can reduce levels of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor 1, which leads to accelerated ageing), switches on DNA repair genes and reduces blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels.
According to current medical opinion, the benefits of fasting are unproven. As a diet, it is not recommended for pregnant women or diabetics on medication. Anyone considering a diet that involves fasting is advised to consult their GP first, and to do it under medical supervision. 

Michael Mosley is a medical doctor, journalist and television presenter. To watch his BBC Two Horizon programme on intermittent fasting, go to the BBC iPlayer (bbc.co.uk/iplayer) or visit tinyurl.com/BBCHorizonFasting

Friday, 2 November 2012

Is There Proof That Green Tea Can Make You Healthier

Even though some people have tried green tea and might not have been crazy about the taste, it could be worth considering to drink it anyway. A lot of people also do not consume a lot of water, but we all know that it is necessary that we have it everyday. While it might not be necessary to drink green tea,
it has many proven health benefits that make it very worth while to partake of on a regular basis.

Have you ever noticed how long some Asian people seem to live very long lives? Not that there are not people in all cultures that have some fairly old folks, but the association of some in the Asian culture that consume green tea on a regular basis shows in their longevity and quality of life as they age. Now this does not mean that you can a cup of this miracle herb once or twice a year and benefit from it, it has to be partaken of regularly for it to be truly effective. It is like water in the sense that you can not drink it just once or twice a week and it do you very much good.

Studies have shown that among Japanese men, over half of them smoke yet they do not appear to suffer nearly as much as some in other cultures from the detrimental side affects from smoking. French people that often have a diet high in fat also usually drink a fair quantity of red wines and appear to not suffer from heart disease as much as some other countries. Studies have shown that there is an element in red wine and in green tea called resveratrol. This polyphenol appears to limit the affects from fatty diets and smoking as well. This does not mean that you should drink too much red wine or smoke tobacco, but just think how much healthier you might be if you drank these beverages, the wine in moderation, and maintained a healthy diet without smoking?

Other benefits from green teas is the fact that it can help kill bacteria. Many think that this can help prevent tooth decay. It is also believed that green tea might be helpful with burning calories for those that are trying to lose weight.

So, if you could drink one or two cups of green tea per day and really reduce the chances of having high cholesterol, heart disease, heart attacks, maintain a healthy weight, and prevent tooth decay, why would you not do it? It is certainly not a cure all for everything, but it sounds like there are plenty enough benefits to make it very worthwhile.

by:   jenna anderson