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Friday 21 December 2012

Composition Of A Good Nutrient Rich Diet

For the human body to function well, it should be fed a good balance of vitamins and nutrients. There are three primary macronutrients which we consume namely protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Without these, our body won't be able to function properly. Since we cannot synthesize vitamins in sufficient quantities, they must be obtained from dietary sources. We also need several minerals for our body to function smoothly. Calcium and phosphorous, for example, aside from being important in the strengthening and lengthening of your bones are needed by your heart to pump efficiently. Salt, aside from adding flavor to your dishes, contain sodium and chlorine which help in maintaining fluid balance and producing digestive juices, respectively.

Mineral salts are ionic in nature, they help regulate pH levels in our blood and body. Maintenance of proper pH levels is crucial for the proper functioning of the body, a balanced supply of necessary mineral nutrients ensures that natural pH balance is maintained. There are also minerals which you require in lesser amounts of such as iron, iodine and zinc. While only minute levels are required, several ailments will emanate from not being able to meet the recommended dietary allowance overtime. You can get both macrominerals and trace elements from dietary sources. If your diet is deficient is essential nutrients, taking dietary supplements on a regular basis is recommended.

Beside mineral nutrients, the body needs water, you need to keep your body hydrated. 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is more than sufficient for the average person, if you have an active lifestyle, your requirement will be higher. Taking the adequate amounts of fluids is essential for the growth and maintenance of your body. It is also important in the elimination of unneeded and harmful substances from your system. Alkaline water, called so because of its slightly alkaline pH, is believed to benefit the body by reducing blood acidity.

This trend is brought about by the heightened awareness of the public to alkaline water benefits. The manufacturers of alkaline water additives claim that the regular consumption of alkaline water protects against cancer and may even slow down aging. Also called ionized water, this water preparation is mineral-rich and consequently keeps the blood pH at a neutral state. It is believed that certain food items, most notably carbonated drinks and junk foods, can make the blood acidic. When not neutralized, blood that is too acidic can have deleterious effects, like lethargy and abnormal heart rhythms.

Still there are those who do not believe in these alkaline water benefits saying further that these are overstated. The argument between believers and non-believers essentially fuels interest for the product. Ultimately, the users are the only people who can testify whether or not alkaline water works, and the present consensus is that it works.

 To ensure that your body works at maximum efficiency, maintaining a neutral pH is important. If your blood is acidic, you will feel lethargic and unwell. Hence, taking alkaline water is good for you.

 Author: Michele Tamez
Article Source: http://www.articlecity.com/articles/health/article_12498.shtml

Wednesday 12 December 2012

5 Frequently Asked Questions On Obesity And Weight Reduction

A lot of general questions are being asked daily concerning obesity and how to overcome it.

1. Does obesity affect my affect my overall general health?
Definitely YES! Obesity in itself is often regarded as a sickness. There are so many medical diseases out there that may arise due to excess weight such as cancers, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, heart diseases, to mention just a few. In fact, the growing prevalence of obesity and obesity-related diseases has become very important public health concerns these days. Obesity also reduces individual welfare and productivity.

2. What actually causes obesity?
A bad diet is a major cause of obesity. If you have wrong eating habits, then obesity is in your future. By the time you eat lot of foods that contain high fructose corny syrup (such as in most fast foods), you are very prone to having an obese stature. A bad diet is not the only thing that causes obesity. Bad diet is not the only reason why people get obese. A lack or insufficient exercise also contributes to the cases of obesity in men and women.

3. Are there other causes?
While improper diet and lack of regular exercise are major causes of obesity, obesity may also result from some diseases that have impact on your weight. An example of this is 'hypothyroidism'. This disease affect the production of hormones by your thyroid gland and in so doing reduces the body metabolism leading to excessive weight gain in a very short period of time. Do well to consult your doctor in this case.

4. What can I do to prevent obesity?
Prevention is actually much easier and I can tell you that you are fortunate if you are not obese yet. Hope you stay that way!. The key thing you should know in order to prevent obesity is that it results from the accumulation of excess unsaturated fats & oils in the body system. Hence, you should have a healthy meal plan that excludes those foods that make you fat and include lots of fresh fruits, veggies, fiber, nuts, & lean protein. Also remember to exercise regularly to keep your body in good shape.

5. Okay, I am already obese, how do I treat this?
The first thing you should realize is that it is very possible for you to shed that excess fat quickly and get back into a very attractive physique. All you may require is consistency and determination. One important step to this is admitting that obesity is a problem that needs to be solved. Since a poor diet and lack of exercise are major causes of obesity, there are certain remedies. By drinking lots of water to keep the body hydrated always, avoid junk processed food,whole fat dairy foods, sugary drinks, sweets, and exercising regularly, you will drastically reduce your chances of being obese. Introduce more natural cooked foods to your meals instead of processed foods. These lifestyle changes would help you immensely!

Author: David Ugorji
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7395568

Thursday 6 December 2012

Does A Sauna Suit To Help Lose Weight?

Weight is a pressing issue with almost all families in the US and, while some are trying to shed a few pounds, others are fighting with a few tens of pounds. Loosing weight is never easy; it requires determination, planning and the will power to stick to the plan, which can prove extremely difficult. Here is how a sauna suit can help you lose weight faster and also allow you to have fun at the same time.

The Effect Of The Sauna Suit

Saunas in general produce the following effects: increase the body temperature through the high temperature in the sauna room and thus eliminates the access water in the body through sweat. Through sweat you will also eliminate toxins and those impurities that clog your pores especially on the face, leaving you a health, bright skin in return. In a normal sauna session, you can lose anywhere from 300 to 500 calories through sweat and increased heart rate alone.

The sauna suit increases the effect of heat on the entire body and thus, helps you burn more calories in the process and lose weight fast. You can also wear the sauna suit to exercise in order to raise the temperature in your body and burn fat fast.

Other Usage Of Sauna Suits

Sauna suits are great if you have any outdoor activity in the cold weather as it preserves the body heat and will keep you warm. There is a large variety of sauna suits available to choose from, in all types of sizes, colors and shapes as well as materials such as, nylon, vinyl and PVC. You will find that most sauna suits will be full length, covering your entire legs and arms, leaving out your hands, feet and from the neck upwards. Choose the sauna suit of choice keeping in mind if you are allergic to any of the materials used in making it.

Helpful Sauna Tips

There are a few things you need to watch when you use a sauna and they are: because your body will sweat profoundly you will get dehydrated fast and you must ensure that you drink plenty water in order to produce the flushing effect and cleanse you body but also not to get dehydrated. If you are suffering from heart disease of are pregnant do not use the sauna, as you can get seriously hurt in the process.

Do not use the sauna is you administered strong medication that will cause you muscle spasms and/or drowsiness as well as avoid the sauna if you consumed alcoholic beverages.

Author: Ann Marier Ann Marier has written many articles on  health problems and useful house and garden topics. More articles about the Infrared Sauna and other types of saunas.
Article source: Articles Base.