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Friday 4 January 2013

I want To Lose Weight and Get Healthy? Here’s How!

The Ultimate Reset: Your Ticket to a Slim Body of Good Health


Elizabeth recently commented on the way she and her family have lost weight, as follows:

If you want a new lease on life, stop leaning on diet pills, promises of overnight weight loss solutions and starvation cleanses that deprive your body of what it really needs. Oh yeah, and stop making excuses! It doesn’t just have to be for you. If you worry about the health of someone you care about, don’t sit back and watch as their life gets taken over by poor health. Do something about it!

We all flip through magazines and daydream about having those legs like those women that essentially grow out of their necks. I’m shaking you virtually right now. Wake up. Let go of those images of emaciated lingerie models and start focusing on what your body needs to be healthy and the rest will just fall into place (and stop falling over the top of your jeans).

Today marks the end of week one for me of my second time doing the Ultimate Reset and I already feel brand new. What the frigg is that, you ask? The program that changed my life, thanks for asking. In May of 2012 I was ready for a change. My health was on the up after my new love affair with Shakeology, the first program that got my life back on track. I had adopted a new mentality of going for what I wanted and I was ready to put it to the test.

The Ultimate Reset is a 21-Day full body reset that brings your body back to its factory settings. If you are often dragging or tired, have a tough time digesting, feel like your metabolism has slowed down, want or need to lose weight, have high blood pressure, blood sugar or cholesterol, have diabetes or any other chronic illness or just want to get healthy again, this is it.

Without drugs, crazy juice cleanses, running to the bathroom, or starving yourself, you can have it all. It’s a 3-phase program that changed my life along with other members of my family and some great friends. With the help of all natural supplements that help rid the body of the toxins that we come in contact with everyday, Shakeology, and a very clean, whole food approach to eating, your body can do a 180.

My mother, uncle and I decided to do the Reset together. That was the first thing we did right. Making the decision to do it, and doing it together. I had already lost several pounds through Shakeology and P90X, so I wasn’t expecting to lose much on the Reset. This was more of my back door approach of getting my mom and uncle to do this program.

Real Results:
After week one, I was down 8 pounds, no longer needed caffeine, and I had more energy than I knew what to do with. I was sleeping like a baby, and waking up early ready to go. If you know me, you know that typically isn’t my style. By day 21, I was down a total of 15 pounds and over 12.5 overall inches. I went down 2 pants sizes, was digesting food like lettuce in a meat grinder, had incredible energy, clarity of mind, and could finally see all the definition I had earned during P90X that had been hiding beneath my outer layer.

They Got Their Life Back:
Sure, it was great to lose the weight. Do you know what was better? The fact that my mom and uncle got their lives back. My mother, who has been fighting off high blood pressure and cholesterol for years, lost 18 pounds in the 21 days. She was able to come off of her cholesterol medication and reduce her blood pressure medication. That’s still not the best part. Every other diet or plan she had done, when it was over, she gained back the weight. In the three months after the Reset, she lost an additional 25 pounds – at least! Not only was her body reset, but her mind was reset. Yes, her metabolism was working at the rate it was when she was in high school. Yes, she could now digest things that her body wouldn’t even touch before. But now she understands what her body needs! She knows how she will feel after eating certain things, she knows what the right foods are for her to eat at different times of the day, and what to stay away from.

Let’s talk about my Uncle Fran for a moment; a high-ranking man in a huge corporate company, with no time for health nonsense (or so he thought)… until the  Reset. He lost 20 pounds during the 21 days. Over the months to follow, he has lost another 15 – at least! My uncle had his 1st full check up since the Reset. The last time he went into the doctor, they told him he had to make some serious life changes. He was on the cusp of diabetes and the dangerous fat surrounding his organs was putting him at risk for heart attack, stroke, and other dangerous weight related illnesses. He had very high cholesterol, high blood pressure and ulcers in his stomach. A few months after the 21-day program, his blood pressure was down to his ideal range. His total cholesterol went from 258 to 165, his LDL (bad cholesterol) went down from 140 to 90 and his HDL (good cholesterol) went up from 40 to 58. His triglycerides went from 259 to 75, and he was able to come completely off of the ulcer medication he had been dependent on for decades. The doctor was shocked, but mostly by the fact that my uncle had eradicated the dangerous fat around his organs, an often difficult thing to reverse.

“As a guy in my mid-forties it was time to get serious about my health, losing weight and taking back control of my exercise and eating habits.  The Ultimate Reset and Shakeology were the perfect start to that process. Four months later, 35 pounds lighter and off of ulcer meds I feel better, look better and have the motivation to maintain a rigorous workout routine that has made the process even easier. The Ultimate Reset provided me with a no-brainer approach to a healthy detox that taugh me the principles of eating whole foods and creating healthy eating habits.  Shakeology is an easy meal repalcement that guarantees me the balanced nutrients and protien that I need throughout my busy day. These programs have been great! ” – Francis Hyatt
So yes, I was happy with my results, but for those of us that worry about the health of a parent, spouse, friend or family member, this program can give them their life back. Talk to them about it or offer to do it with them. Life is far too short to hold onto the cookies that bind us (literally and figuratively)! Drop your cookie and help the person you love drop theirs too.

Author: Elizabeth Gemmell

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